PDP Taxonomy

Key Shopper Touch Points

Search Engine Results Page

Important Concepts 

ATF Content (Above the Fold) refers to the visible part of a webpage before the user scrolls down. This is the first thing that visitors see when they land on the product page. The content above the fold is the header, text, imagery, or video. This is the best placement for impactful information and a call to action, to catch the consumer’s immediate attention.

BTF Content (Below the Fold) is the area not visible to a user when landing on a webpage. Retailers commonly use this area to focus on content, product information/attributes and features.

PDP (Product Detail Page) 

ATF Content (Above the Fold) 

Copy: Product Title, Bullets, Description 

Images: Hero, Feature & Benefit, Product, Lifestyle 


BTF Content (Below the Fold) 

Enhanced Content: Dependent on retailer but can include images, video, comparison charts, opportunity to provide more in-depth product information and tell brand story, full product specs

Optimized Content Will Enable Conversion 

  1.  High Customer Use: Basic images and video, Title, Reviews, Fulfillment 

  2. Medium Customer Use: Product detail and bullet points 

  3. Minimal Customer Use: A+ Enhanced Content 

  4. Low Customer Use: Product description & technical details